CABP Messe 2024 | KSI Filtertechnik

CABP Messe 2024

Icon Kalender Mar, 29. octubre 2024
Icon Kalender Jue, 31. octubre 2024

Do you want to stay up to date with the latest compressed air technology and discover innovative solutions for your systems? Then you should definitely visit the CABP trade fair!

Discover the fascinating world of compressed air technology and experience the latest trends, innovations and best practices first-hand. Here you have the unique opportunity to expand your expertise, make valuable contacts and take your business to the next level.

Expect exciting exhibitions from leading manufacturers and suppliers presenting the latest technologies and products. From efficient compressors to innovative compressed air treatment solutions, you'll find everything you need to reduce your operating costs and increase your efficiency.

So, what are you waiting for? Be part of this exciting event and actively shape the future of compressed air technology! Visit the CABP trade fair and be inspired!