
Here you will find all the latest news and information about the company.

Wir setzen einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Kundenzufriedenheit und Qualität!

With this publication, we are presenting three new products in one fell swoop. It has been four years since we last did this, and even then the publication date was not chosen purely by chance. - Curious?

The sheer volume of the latest news suggests only one thing: KSI has used the cold months to align itself even better and now to start the spring stronger and with a lot of freshness. All of these changes are inextricably linked to exciting personnel changes.

The independent research institute IUTA has now once again confirmed the outstanding properties of the filter elements of the KSI ECOCLEAN APF series in an elaborate test procedure: 103.3 mbar (SMA, saturated) mean top international performance.

KSI subsidiary "KSI Technologies" sends good news from overseas, as business there is now picking up!

KSI takes the next big step and founds a subsidiary in Canada. Near Toronto, KSI will be up and running from 1 May 2022 as "KSI Technologies Canada Corp.

After exactly 14 years, it's "closing time": KSI said goodbye to Erika Heitfeld in her well-deserved retirement.

From training to the 20th anniversary: Dilek Karakas is one of the building blocks of KSI's success.

From a garage start-up to a medium-sized industrial company, and all this in only 25 years: KSI Filtertechnik looks back on this storybook career on the anniversary of its founding.

April. That stands for departure, change - and Hannover fair. Normally. In these times, hardly anything is normal, and we are not satisfied with normal.